Monday, June 14, 2010


This week we have done more practises on critical response. We have done lots of work with in a group. Every group analysis one of the part and show others in front, quiet efficient way for me to improve.

We started to prepare our oral presentation. Everyone has made a plan of it. I chose the importance of logistics as my presentation, since it related to my course in the future. I think it will be a good start of my university study. This week I begin to do some research about it. But there isn't much information about it. I think it is because logistics is new hot topic, few people criticised it. Though this is a bug challenge for me I will try my best work on it!

Listening is getting harder this week!
The lecture is longer than before.
The notes are more detailed.
The questions are no more directly.
I found I often write useless information that no relation to the questions. I need to be familiars with what the lecturer want to express and make useful notes to questions.

We read 2 articles about English and globalisation in the reading pack, and learned critical analysis of an augment.
We need to find the argument first and then use BELT to analysis is the expression convincing and how they support their ideas. We worked out one argument in each group, and then showed in class sharing our ideas. It is quiet efficient way for us to learn from each other.

Good luck to my test next week!


  1. Good luck in the exam tomorrow.

  2. I agree with you , listening is very difficult than before in this week, i also can not take enough note about the lecture and i think we need to found some lecture from internet and listen it everyday.
