Saturday, June 19, 2010

reflection--week 3

In week three, we paid our most attention on analysis critical response. The difference is two articles hold opposite opinions are given for us to compare their arguments in terms of ‘BELT’. Firstly, these articles are extremely hard for me to find the arguments and there are some new words for me. Thanks god, Carla said the test will not like that hard, I think is a good way to learn the hard thing first, then the easy one will not stressful. What’s more I think the faulty logic in the article always mixes with tone and language, so it made me confused analyzing them together. In this weekend I have tried my best work on the response, wish I will be improved next week.

At the same time, I was preparing my oral presentation; my topic is little challenge because I found it hard to find materials on the internet and I haven’t studied anything about logistics result in I have no idea about that. So I need to do more research on that to be familiar with it. And, it will be a good start on my course study in university.

At last, we didn’t have enough time to do the tutorial since we got a great deal of problems on critical response. Carla said we will do next week with Robyn, if we have extra time.

The exam is coming soon, I feel little bit stressful. Anyway I will try me best on my English study in REW.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Discussion Board-- Why we should learn English?

Subject: Reasons of learning English Reply
Author: Tian Yi ZHANG
Creation date: Friday, June 18, 2010 3:34:03 PM EST
Date last modified: Friday, June 18, 2010 3:34:03 PM EST
Total views: 1 Your views: 2

English recently have become a link among people all over the world, for personal benefits, people may exchange their customs and culture in order to know and help each other. If they travel in another country, they wouldn’t get in trouble.

There are oblivious advantages for the world economy developed prosperously, via free trade, science, technology using English. For example, intelligent scientists in the world can cooperate to study or discuss the problems they met by speaking English, as it can reduce cost and safe time in order to foster technology growing. Therefore, English is necessarily needed to learn since it brings benefit to us.

Subject: Reasons of learning English

Discussion Board--Who really needs English?

Subject: people who need learn English Reply
Author: Tian Yi ZHANG
Creation date: Friday, June 18, 2010 3:08:56 PM EST
Date last modified: Friday, June 18, 2010 3:08:56 PM EST
Total views: 1 Your views: 2

English has been an official language in numbers of countries, as it widely spoken in the world. The economy is profit from globalisation, as English is becoming a common language connected relationship in different country. For instance, people who work for an international company need to learn English, as the document or contact between two countries may in English and they would have meetings via internet in English, if they have different language. After that, the world relationship might be improved lead to better development.

There also have someone who is interested in learning language just for fun, such as English. And they found it interesting to write or speak different languages to express theirselves.

Subject: people who need learn English

Discussion Board--Everyone who can should learn English

Subject: Learning Englishi is up to you! Reply Modify Remove
Author: Tian Yi ZHANG
Creation date: Friday, June 18, 2010 1:51:06 PM EST
Date last modified: Friday, June 18, 2010 1:51:06 PM EST
Total views: 3 Your views: 3

English might be one of the useful tools for us to achieve different goals, as it becoming well-known in the word. However, nobody could change your mind and ways to success have diverse methods. Some people leaning English just for their interests, obliviously everyone has their own interests that can lead to success. As for me, English might be a good way to make friends and learn different culture all over the world to enrich my life experience. Learning is not a bad thing for young people, while if you are not interested in English you can choose anything you like .It's up to you!

Subject: Learning Englishi is up to you!

Monday, June 14, 2010


This week we have done more practises on critical response. We have done lots of work with in a group. Every group analysis one of the part and show others in front, quiet efficient way for me to improve.

We started to prepare our oral presentation. Everyone has made a plan of it. I chose the importance of logistics as my presentation, since it related to my course in the future. I think it will be a good start of my university study. This week I begin to do some research about it. But there isn't much information about it. I think it is because logistics is new hot topic, few people criticised it. Though this is a bug challenge for me I will try my best work on it!

Listening is getting harder this week!
The lecture is longer than before.
The notes are more detailed.
The questions are no more directly.
I found I often write useless information that no relation to the questions. I need to be familiars with what the lecturer want to express and make useful notes to questions.

We read 2 articles about English and globalisation in the reading pack, and learned critical analysis of an augment.
We need to find the argument first and then use BELT to analysis is the expression convincing and how they support their ideas. We worked out one argument in each group, and then showed in class sharing our ideas. It is quiet efficient way for us to learn from each other.

Good luck to my test next week!

reflection--week 1

It was the fist week I study in REW. I have met lovely new friends there and we worked and helped each other. However, it's not a easy level to study. Especially the curtail after reading an article published in a real journal or magazine that contain professional language and words. We have learnt some ways of analysing an article such as evidence, bias, logic, tone and language and so on. The structure is also an important leaning part of critical response. I flowed the structure and wrote a response to a critical response practise my reading and writing skill. And I have some problem with that, I found 'bias' is not a easy one, sometimes I got confused about it and hard to analysis in the critical response.

However, after the whole week, I am improved by discussing in a group and Robyn's help. I believe it will be better in next week with my hard working.

We did some listening packs as well, which is much easier to learn compare with reading and writing. We listened a lecture, write down notes and then answer the questions. Taking notes is not hard but to answer the question by using the notes is not easy. We need to understand the main idea of the lecture and write down the key words. Sometimes, I cannot catch the lecture, as a result I miss the key words and can't answer some of the questions. Hopefully, I will do better next week!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Goals of learning English in REW

I'd like to improve my English skills in REW.

This might be the stong part of my English. Howerver, to study in an university and live in Melbourne it isn't enough. So my goal of Listening is I can not only understand the meaning of the speaker said, also try to explore more about it.
My goal is to talk like a native speaker in Melbourne. And I will talk in English as much as possible with my teachers and classmates. What's more, is that vocabulary is also important for speaking. So I will try to improve my vocabulary as well, which is a good way to learn all English skills.
Perhaps, for Chineae student this is the most difficult part. We need to familiar with grammar, vocabulary, understanding of English ect.It is a synthesize skills of using English. So I will work hard on these ones and read as much as possible, expeically some newspapers and magazines.
My English writing maybe is the most weak part. I needs to know the gramma, not only to understand it, also can use it as well. I will pay more attention on it and practise writing in REW to achieve more.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tilly's learning style

Kinaesthetic learners or active learners
Kinaesthetic learners prefer to being involved in activities. They need to apply the information and make it their own by constructing something or practising a technique or skill.
Characteristics of kinaesthetic learners
• Often they take notes or even draw pictures or doodle whilst listening
• Remember best what they did
• Memorise by walking and seeing
Like ‘hands on’ activities and group interaction
Study hints for kinaesthetic learners
• Test your learning by applying it or transforming it to another form. For example use lecture notes or readings to draw a diagram, flow chart or even construct a model.
• Start or join a study group
• Relate facts or theories to your own experience
• Learn or memorise information by teaching or telling someone else
• When studying take frequent breaks. This is also helpful for the other learning styles.